
More from the WSJ

Excerpts from the only column that I read every day:

Not to Mention Guns and Religion
"In Tough Times, Americans Cling to Christmas Trees"--headline, Reuters, Dce. 18

Maybe the Embargo Is Working
"In 'Eat Local' Movement, Cuba Is Years Ahead"--headline, Reuters, Dec. 17

Can We Have the Sunroof and Heated Seats Instead?
"Car Bankruptcy Cited as Option by White House"--headline, New York Times, Dec. 19

Then It Ate His Homework
"Todd Stroger's Budget Assailed by Watchdog"--headline, Chicago Tribune, Dec. 19

They Need to Sell More Beer and Hot Dogs
"In Some N.B.A. Arenas, the Crowds Are Thin"--headline, New York Times, Dec. 19

Good News for Orlando Prey
"Massive Layoffs at Orlando Predators"--headline, Central Florida News 13 Web site (Orlando), Dec. 17

I guess I shouldn't be surprised....

For those of you who haven't yet seen it, there's an article on FoxNews.com about a woman in Florida who is upset about being disciplined by her church.

I was going to make some remarks, but this post says everything I wanted to say, only better.


Another reason to love the Wall Street Journal.

The "Best of the Web Today"

A Break for Obama
"Clinton Woman Jailed for Allegedly Using Stolen Credit Card to Pay Court Costs"--headline, Des Moines Register, April 13

We Blame Global Warming
"Israel Cools to Visit by Carter"--headline, Washington Times, April 13

Mrs. Perry Is None Too Pleased
"Sect Mothers Appeal to Texas Governor"--headline, Associated Press, April 13

This Relationship Is Progressing Nicely

"Truck Driver Takes Out Traffic Light"--headline, Times (Trenton, N.J.), Feb. 29

"Bedding Traffic Light in High Point"--headline, Furniture Today, April 11

Sounds as if He Needs to Get One
"Chronic NYC Subway Groper Could Get Life"--headline, Associated Press, April 14

'Hey, That's Kay and Steve!'
"Delaware County Couple Recognized at State Convention"--headline, New York State United Teachers Web site, April 11

Bill Is None Too Pleased Either
" 'Spanking' Bill Is Government Intrusion, Conservatives Warn"--headline, CNSNews.com, April 11

As Are People With Insurance
"People Without Insurance Are Dying"--headline, Knoxville (Tenn.) News Sentinel, April 11

Kit Replies: 'You're Not Exactly 100% Wool Yourself'
"Suit Says Toy Kit Contains Asbestos"--headline, Reuters, April 13

Everyone's a Critic, Mate
"Australian Man Critical After Swallowing Hashish-Filled Condoms"--headline, FoxNews.com, April 12



Perhaps you meant "tenets"?

"Hundreds are expected to attend the annual breakfast, a community celebration and reflection on King's tenants of the America Dream: freedom, democracy and opportunity for all."

Thank you, Charlotte Observer.


Huckabee, again....

For those of you who think Huckabee is above using God for his own purposes:

(Sorry it's such a bad video; I saw a version several days ago that was much clearer, but I can't find it now.)


Thinking about voting for Huckabee?

Please think again!

From Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal:

  • On the "cross ad" -- "I wound up thinking this: That guy is using the cross so I'll like him. That doesn't tell me what he thinks of Jesus, but it does tell me what he thinks of me. He thinks I'm dim. He thinks I will associate my savior with his candidacy. Bleh."
  • "Mr. Huckabee is clever. He puts forth his policies, such as they are, based on a faith-based understanding of public policy, and if you disagree with his policies, or take a hard shot at them, or at him, he suggests the reason is that you look down on evangelicals."
Here's another link with some info on why one Arkansas evangelical is not supporting Huckabee.

The only thing I've heard so far about Huckabee that would make me consider voting for him is that he's a social conservative. (Except for that $35,000 in consulting fees that he reportedly earned from Novo Nordisk, a pharmaceutical company that engages in embryonic stem cell research--while denouncing embryonic stem cell research....) What I've read about his economic views and his record on illegal immigration, tax hikes, and frequent releases of criminals has been appalling. Even more appalling is his apparent willingness to use his professed Christianity for political gain. And don't even get me started on the ridiculous "fair" tax plan....

Maybe I'm missing something, but based on all the information I have so far, I have no idea why Christians are so excited about Huckabee's candidacy!