

... I just looked at a ringtone website, and I'm feeling my resolve never to use an obnoxious ringtone weakening. I've always prided myself on having the maturity to select some sort of simple beeping noise as my cell phone ringer. But there's so much out there to choose from--John Williams, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Casting Crowns, the Beach Boys, Jeff Foxworthy, even some of this type of music (not these songs specifically, but others that I've been blessed to hear at work). How can I resist???

Update: The 1812 Overture! They have the 1812 Overture! (However, they don't seem to have anything by the Carpenters...)


Becca said...

Don't do it! The only "specialized" ring tones that are cool are like the cricket chirp or the catcall.

mel said...

Ironically, one of my pet peeves is cell phones that ring songs. There's nothing worse than hearing somebody's phone ring Mozart's Rondo Alla Turka in the middle of, say, the produce section of Bi-Lo, and then having the wretched tune stuck in one's head all day. I can't believe I've actually been looking at them--but really, it's only because I've been jealous of my friend who has a "Rainy Days and Mondays" ringtone. :)

Where do you get the ones you mentioned?

Becca said...

I have no idea. My phone is so low tech it makes Midi look advanced. I had a friend with Verizon that had those tones. When her boyfriend called her phone whistled at her. I thought it was hilarious.

mel said...

You're right--that's hysterical.

My old phone was probably pretty close to yours in low tech-ness. :) Just a couple days ago some of my friends were making fun of it... ("Does it even have a color screen?" "Well, it has a glowing blue background. Does that count?")

The new one has a camera. It's great fun. My brother figured out how to set it up to show a person's picture on the screen as the caller ID. :)

Monica said...

What I wouldn't give to have my phone whistle at me when Chris called! Or even if no one was calling and you were just having a bad day--it's an instant booster.